Archive Mode. Call Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Quilt Contest 2021 ended on 3/23/21, 12:00 AM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
Pinwheels and Lollipops
Pinwheels and Lollipops Best of Division - Machine Quilted - Piecework
Pinwheels and Lollipops was paper pieced and machine quilted on my domestic machine using ruler work and Swarovski crystals for embellishment. The primary fabric used was batiks with Moda grunge fabric in the background,
Machine Quilting (Piecework)
71 x 71
Quiltmaker(s) and Credit
Pieced and quilted by Ann Moore
Pattern by Jacqueline de Jonge
Official Go Texan Submission
Walker County
Artist Statement
When I pieced Pinwheels and Lollipops, I started getting ideas of how it should be quilted, and I knew I wanted to feature ruler work for the quilting. Pastels were used in the quilt because I wanted something light and airy. When finished I knew it needed a border with scallops and I took several months searching for just the right color of fabric for the border. When I look at the quilt I am reminded of childhood things like pinwheels and lollipops, hence the name.