Archive Mode. Call Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Quilt Contest 2021 ended on 3/23/21, 12:00 AM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

The Blazing Starburst

The Blazing Starburst , Machine Quilting
The Blazing Starburst Blue Ribbon
I chose teals and used a variegated thread for my quilting. I used an 80/20 batting.

Machine Quilting (Piecework)    91 x 96 x 1   

Quiltmaker(s) and Credit
Pieced and quilted by Sharon Heimann
Pattern by Melinda Soderberg
Official Go Texan Submission
Colorado County
Artist Statement
The "Blazing Starburst" was started at a workshop in January of 2020. The instructor/designer was Melinda Soderberg. The center star was completed by the end of the day and the quilt was worked on and the piecing was completed through to retreats one in January and 1 the 1st week of March. I looked for the specific colors of teal and brown and purchased the fabric at Quilt Around the Block in Giddings, Texas. I chose to match the quilting thread to the colors in the quilt. The "shutdown" allowed me the time to finish this quilt as well as several others that had been waiting. I am very happy to be chosen by the Go Texan Committee of Colorado County to submit my quilt.